
From concept to completion, Lab-Coat has over a decade of experience bringing a wide range of video productions to life. From the in-studio product shoot, to full scale narrative commercials. Let Lab-Coat define your vision through innovation, experimentation and creativity.




Fashion & Beauty








Additional Services

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Story Concept

Lab-Coat will craft and articulate your vision through screenwriting, storyboarding and copywriting. There are no boundaries to the stories we can tell together.

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Non-Linear Editing

Let Lab-Coat handle the final step of the storytelling process. Our high-end editing suites and in-house editors will cut your piece together and make it come to life.

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Color Correction

Put the finishing touches on your content. With technology and an eye for precision, Lab-Coat utilizes decades of experience to ensure perfect color every time.

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Graphic & Title Design

Lab-Coat specializes in clean, creative and minimalistic graphics and titles and sets the bar for the modern aesthetic.

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We have the resources to find the right music to accentuate your visuals, whether you're looking for royalty free tracks or an original composition.

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Rotoscoping & Masking

Sometimes things need a bit of cleaning up. We have the ability to remove messy cables in the background or change the color of a light bulb.



Lab-Coat has been able to work with some of the best agencies and talent to bring a wide array of experienced, memorable and exciting cast members.


Hair & Makeup

Our roster of Hair & Makeup artists consists of the industry’s most experienced and versatile talent. From fashion to special effects we’ve got you covered.

RAW Footage

When all is said and done, we offer all the RAW footage that we’ve shot for you at an additional cost. Use it for whatever purposes you would like. You own it.

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Concept to Completion

Experimentation with precision. Let Lab-Coat bring decades of experience to handling every aspect of your production.